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Keith Green - Oh Lord, You're Beautiful

Thursday, November 12, 2015

For God so loved the world......

You know there is only ONE you?
God wants you for his very own!

God is a possessive God!

John 3 v 16 says,"For God so loved the world" and He does......He created the world and all the universe...He loves the world!
But, we also understand the word "world" to mean the people...and God loves the people too...He made them in His own image!

And.....He loves you....wanting you for His own possession means....well, imagine yourself a dot......a little dot...in the middle of a circle!

The circle is complete.....unbroken.....God's love for you is a complete unbroken circle around your entire being!

God loves you....as if you are the only human being to have ever lived!

God's love for you is unique!

God's love is individual.....because that is how he made you!

So....your relationship with him is individual and unique, because that is how he made you!

Your relationship with him is different and unique, special between Him and you.....you can't be some one else...

because some one else is taken.....you are you.....He does not see you as part of a group of the world's population of 7 billion people
God thinks you are so special....he knows every hair on your head.....( Math 10 v 30)and

he wants you to relate to him!

Everything you do.......He is there.......

Every breath you take....He is there.....

Christmas is about invading.....

God is invading....God's involvement.....
God is declaring to the human race.....because he loves us so much....I LOVE YOU!

He came as a babe....became a man......to save us,

so that we could have an intimate and loving relationship with him, and ultimately be with him forever in heaven!
Bless you....

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