Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Re: fires in Australia.

Mallacoota is a holiday township on the East coat of Australia, one road in, one road out....most of the residents and holiday makers were herded to the beach, around 2000 people, huddled on or near the water, so.....

I thought you might like to hear this interview that was on our local T.V station, new years eve.....

I was very surprised that they did not stop it, nor cut it, as they normally do. They must have thought people needed to hear all of it,

Here it is, and I quote:

" Well, [conditions] are a hell of a lot better than they were. It doesn't look like it was midnight like it was just before. There's actually some light coming through the smoke.

There's obviously dangers of spotting and the fires are running up in a northerly direction back towards the Princes Highway. I know that much. But before, it was... It was... Mate, you just don't want to go through something like this. It was terrifying.

And, um, I'm pretty... I'm a bit emotional still but I'm grateful that our animals are alive and that our guests that were with us are safe.
We've stayed together. And, yeah, it was horrendous.

I want to give God the glory because, mate, I had a good friend, ex-firie, well, former head of fire department here in Mallacoota, He's been giving me the heads-up.
He's in Canberra but is totally surrounded by fire where he was and was good enough to ring me and he said, "David, it's at the airport." So, I knew where it was. The airport in Mallacoota is five or seven minutes away in the car. I knew it was hitting town because the sirens start up.

At that point, I was praying.

I was an atheist.
I was praying to God, praying to Jesus, "turn the wind."

You wouldn't believe it - but I'm going to tell you the honest to God truth.

It pushed this thing back against itself. Literally we felt the wind come from off the beach, it shouldn't have, but it did, but it went back at it.

I don't care if anyone else doesn't recognise it.
It was unbelievable.

It stopped after five minutes and then probably 20 minutes after that, the breeze from the change south south-west, the south-westerly, it was blowing out to a gale for a point and then, what I thought - remember it's pitch black - and then the sky went red. We thought it was a fire
front about to run over the top of us but what it was, was, I believe, God's intervention, absolutely, through prayer, because it absolutely
just burst its smoke..... and the redness, was the sun coming through the smoke, not the fire about to destroy, you know, obliterate all of us
down here. Because there's nothing they could have done if that had happened. It doesn't matter how many fire trucks you have.

Yeah. Look, um, because basically there's a rock wall [at the evacuation point on the beach]. So it's the only thing to protect from radiant heat, they wanted us to get into the water get against that wall. It's got oysters shells and stuff, not the greatest thing to do but it
will save you from radiant heat,
it's a barrier.

So we were ready to jump in. And everyone was all along the edge, ready to go and of course when, you know, when that sky went red, it looked like what we've been looking at when we saw the fire coming.

Also, what I didn't say was you could actually hear it roaring towards town. You could actually hear it. I had been told that by Graham, the
fire chief, he told me, "You'll hear it, David. You'll hear the sound." We've heard gas cylinders exploding, which means it's people's
homes being destroyed and, yeah, look, we're just grateful to be alive."
End of interview

Blessings and a very blessed and healthy new year for all of you


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