My friend and I complained at church that the music was too loud...... we have been saying this for quite a long time already.
She actually brings ear plugs, to deafen it some.
It seems in this day and age, they only want to accommodate to the younger generations and the older ones are not as important.
So it seems.
What they forget, is, that there are also older people who have not known the Lord all that long and want to learn more about him too.
But once they are inside a “today” church, and the music starts, it’s more like a performance from the young people “up there” and it seems like they do not expect the congregation to join in.
But, as a congregation, we come together to worship the Lord....
So we spoke to one of the pastors and suggested the music be a little less loud.....
his answer was “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord”
Sure, I totally agree with him, but wow, did he use it out of context at that moment....
In my understanding of that particular verse, is that in certain situations a whisper can be noise.
Pastors can be wrong too, sometimes...
I know of some people who experienced going through WW2, and when ever their dad wanted to listen to the radio.....from overseas....
to hear how the war was going.....and the radio was hidden.... as they were illegal to have,
they, as children had a hard time not making a they whispered....
and their dad would tell them, “Stop making so much noise”
as he had the radio quite low and he couldn’t hear......because they were making “too much noise”
So, how much is too much.....
it goes the same with miss quoting a verse in 1 Corinthians 14 v 34, “The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak....etc
So, if I take that as litterlally as this pastor took “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” litterlally, does that then mean as soon as women step inside the church door, they are not allowed to speak?
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