Friday, May 18, 2018

How sincere is sincere!

I go to a bible study every Wednesday, and one of the mum’s there was so thrilled because of what her 18year old son told her.

She said, “ My son reckons that Jesus went to hell, totally covered in our sins, he was so covered that satan did not recognise him, and that is how he got the keys from the devil, and that is why he had to go to hell”

He was so sincere in what he said, but you see, he was so sincerely wrong.
You see, Christ alone has conquered death and has Himself come out of grave,

He alone can determine who will enter death and Hades and who will come out.

He has the "keys." He has authority over death and the place of the dead.

Satan has never possessed these "keys."

Satan has never had power to determine who goes to Heaven (the Kingdom) and who goes to Hell.

Jesus did not have to fight Satan for the keys because the keys were never in Satan's possession.

God and God alone has power over death and Hell, as we read in Revelations.

 Jesus did not have to fight Satan for anything because Jesus' death on the cross was His ultimate victory.
 Colossians ch 2 v 15: tells us, "...and having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." 

So, as sincere as this young was, and as thrilled as his mum was......

we had to tell his her, that he was sincerely wrong.

And this happens so often with lovely people who think they are right in what they believe!

 They are so sincere............but so sincerely wrong.

This is why we must speak up, when some one tells us something they think, or believe to be correct, if it is not.

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