Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Saturday, May 26, 2018

I was listening to an interview not so long ago....and it was from a chappie called Andrew, who was brought up jewish, but as he grew up, he could not understand “why” he did what he did, at the right age, to do his Jewish bar mizvah...

So He decided he was not going to do this anymore, he actually threw away all the gifts he was given,

and said to himself..., “I am lying, I don’t believe all, that’s it, I’m done with that religious stuff....

As time progressed he sunk into depression.

He was stubborn enough not to want to reach out to God, because he thought that would be a crutch....How would he know that he wasn’t just reaching out to God, in/because of, his depression.

But God reached out to him.

He reached a point where he was actually suicidal. He had a beautiful wife whom he adored and a beautiful daughter Whom he loved, and he was sitting in his room, thinking that they would be better off without him.

He was, at that stage, thinking how he was going to climb up to the top of a building and throwing himself off the roof,

but at the same time he was thinking all this, he was listening to a baseball game on a radio station, He continues:

"the N.Y mets…

and they had a player whom I loved, Garry Carter, he was the catcher, and he was always....

well he was a "loudmouthed Christian" always talking about Jesus Christ....” They'd ask him,

How did you hit that home run,,,?He'd say, "Oh well Jesus blessed me....”

and I used to think....”Yuk.....Yuk.....I hate listening to was like a worm going down the back of my shirt,

why couldn’t he just say I took a good swing at the bat...”

So, at the end of this game he drove out the winning run by beating out a grounder by first base, and the thing is

if you know anything about catchers...… they have terrible knees, …..

and they are incredibly slow.....

and the interviewer came up to Carter and said,

“ How did you manage to beat out that grounder to first base when your knees are so bad?”

So, there I was.....

contemplating suicide...…

and I was thinking to myself, “You know, I do not know how to go on living.... with this pain, with this misery....."

and Carter was asked this question, how he beat out this grounder with such bad knees and instead of saying

“Jesus...Jesus...” (which I would not have listened to at all...)

he said, “Sometimes you just have to play in pain!”

And I thought...”Oh...Oh I can do that...I’m a tough guy....I can play in pain....”

And it changed my entire world view.

It was only later, after I did become a Christian, that I looked back and I thought...”

WOW....not only was that God speaking to me, through Garry Carter, but.....

God set His name aside, because God knew I would not have listened, if Carter had said anything about Jesus.....

God set Himself aside..... to reach out to me....”

and when you think "that is the KING of the universe"...He created everything....

putting Himself aside to reach out to me who is not the king of anything....

I always thought That was a magnificent act...

of humility and grace and mercy! And, I’m really, really grateful for it,

and if I could go back in time to that kid who contemplated suicide, I would go to him and slap him, for it’s such a foolish thing to throw away your life.

see here


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

How sincere is sincere!

I go to a bible study every Wednesday, and one of the mum’s there was so thrilled because of what her 18year old son told her.

She said, “ My son reckons that Jesus went to hell, totally covered in our sins, he was so covered that satan did not recognise him, and that is how he got the keys from the devil, and that is why he had to go to hell”

He was so sincere in what he said, but you see, he was so sincerely wrong.
You see, Christ alone has conquered death and has Himself come out of grave,

He alone can determine who will enter death and Hades and who will come out.

He has the "keys." He has authority over death and the place of the dead.

Satan has never possessed these "keys."

Satan has never had power to determine who goes to Heaven (the Kingdom) and who goes to Hell.

Jesus did not have to fight Satan for the keys because the keys were never in Satan's possession.

God and God alone has power over death and Hell, as we read in Revelations.

 Jesus did not have to fight Satan for anything because Jesus' death on the cross was His ultimate victory.
 Colossians ch 2 v 15: tells us, "...and having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." 

So, as sincere as this young was, and as thrilled as his mum was......

we had to tell his her, that he was sincerely wrong.

And this happens so often with lovely people who think they are right in what they believe!

 They are so sincere............but so sincerely wrong.

This is why we must speak up, when some one tells us something they think, or believe to be correct, if it is not.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Time goes on and on....

Day by day, night by night time goes by. I go to bed at night and think, "Could Jesus be coming tonight?"

I wake up the next morning and again I think, "Could He be coming today?"

It is so easy to begin to believe that God is not coming for His Church any time soon.

Just as the people grew weary listening to Noah’s warning of the flood and made fun of him, people today refuse to recognize, the times we are living in.

As Christians we should live every day as if this was the day of His return.

When the floods came it was too late to make it right with God. Just as when the rapture happens it will be too late to go up in the rapture if we are not saved.

We must pray for the lost. We must tell them the truth about Heaven and Hell.

How can they be saved if they do not know what they are being saved from?

If the occupants of a house that is on fire do not know there is a fire, they will not flee.

People need to know there is consequences of rejected salvation.

Do not allow political correctness keep you from sharing the truth of the Gospel.

Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

If we keep our hope in Jesus we can rest in Him, knowing He is coming for us.

We suffer now, but our deliverance is coming, soon.

1 Peter 5:10 (King James Version)
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

Hold on to your faith in Christ. Ask God to help your faith to be strong in Him and for God to remove your doubts. We know our future will be in Heaven.

Let us not turn away from our faith, this close to the prize.
Thank you Betty