Tuesday, March 20, 2018


We have heard of martyrs, when burnt at the stake, sing loud, and praise God,

for being able to suffer for him.........

But Jesus did no such thing...

When Jesus died there on the cross......it was doom and gloom!

The darkness lasted for 3 long hours.....

which must have seemed like an eternity to Jesus.....

as this was the first time ever, that His father God did not look on Him,

but had totally withdrawn from him!

It wasn't all that long ago, when John baptised Him and heard the voice, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!"

How could a loving Father do this?

It was because Jesus took all our sins on Him....

and God could not look on that sin.

It must have seemed like an eternity to Jesus....and then....to hear...”It is finished”

The sinner in hell will never ever hear those words.

In psalm 22 we read;
“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning?
2 O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou answered not;
And in the night season, and am not silent.”

This is a prophetic psalm about Jesus and His agony suffered for us.

Further down, same psalm, he says,

verses 6;7;8;
“A reproach of men, and despised of the people.
7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn:
They shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,
8Commit thyself unto Jehovah; let Him deliver him:”

He is seeing and talking about those who are there, watching him.
Then from verses 12 – 18:

“Many bulls have compassed me;
Strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
13 They gape upon me with their mouth,
As a ravening and a roaring lion.
14 I am poured out like water,
And all my bones are out of joint:
My heart is like wax;
It is melted within me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd;
And my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
And thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
16 For dogs have compassed me:
A company of evil-doers have in closed me;
[f]They pierced my hands and my feet.
17 I may count all my bones.
They look and stare upon me;
18 They part my garments among them,
And upon my vesture do they cast lots”

Many bulls have compassed me......etc....

I have read many different meanings to this verse, but I think C.S. Lewis got the closest yet....

In C.S. Lewis’ first movie made in 2007 “THE LION THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE" he shows where Aslan gives his live in place of Edward.
The witch and all her cohorts, and this is where Lewis is correct, in my opinion, her cohorts all dance around Aslan as he lays on the table ready to die, so verses 12 and 13 are demons, bulls, and other horrible creatures, they are the ugliest looking creatures ever, who gape upon Aslan, with their mouths...( thinking they have won the battle, in this movie Aslan represents the figure of Jesus)

And in Psalm 69v 21: “They gave me also gall for my food;
And in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.” This was a drink to help deaden the pain, but Jesus refused it!

I have heard people say, when they were asked to do something, “If I had known how hard this was going to be, I would never have done it”

I thank and praise God, that Jesus did not say that, yet He did know how hard it was going to be! He even said, “I delight to do thy will oh Lord”

The H.S did not come to make peace but CHRIST did

The H.S is not said to be our peace but CHRIST is (The H.S is our comforter)

God did not send “preaching peace” by the H.S...... but by CHRIST

The H.S reveals Christ......He makes us to know, enjoy and feed on CHRIST

Without the H.S we can neither, see, feel, hear, know, experience, nor enjoy CHRIST.

But the H.S never tells the soul to rest on HIS work for peace in the presence of divine Holiness.

He can only present Christ’s work as the solid basis on which the soul must rest forever.

Man’s religion knows nothing about present pardon.

It says, “Do as well as you can,

pray as often as you can,

feel as deeply as you can,

and sometime, before you die,

God will forgive you.

This is ‘Man’s religion” it comes in many forms, yet it’s still........man's religion

In the O.T ( Joshua ch 20) the gates of the cities of refuge stood open day and night...but,

it had to be entered into....

It would not do to site outside and say...

”I am close enough, this should do”

the persuer could still catch up to him and then kill him.

He had to be inside the city and stay there till the priest died...

it’s the same with Jesus...it is no good saying I pray and I read the Bible, I will do the rest later....

you have to follow Him completely, immediately....now.....tomorrow could be too late!

Thank God, that He sent His son....and Thank His Son who so willingly died for me and you!

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