Sunday, January 28, 2018

Modesty matters

Women, and men, can either complement...... or contradict the message they speak..... with the way they behave and the way they dress.

We have a soup if you volunteered to work there, what would you wear?

Would you wear very short shorts or a mini skirt?

And if you did, what would that say to those who come to the van?

With your actions, and the sign on the van, you are saying, “Look to Christ, we serve Him” but with the way you are dressed, you are saying, “Look at me”

Does not seem right, does it?

I have seen girls come to church with very short shorts, and their mums with very short dresses.....

Now, I’d be the last person to say how you should dress when you go anywhere, but, when the same young lady comes to church in her work uniform, with slacks and a lovely top with a tie and a badge for work...what does that say?

It’s good to come to work nicely dressed.......

but then shouldn't we also come to church, where we meet GOD, nicely dressed?

I would even go so far as to say it is a sin, to dress provocatively.

Believe me, I still almost die from embarrassment, when I think how I dressed, when I was a young teenager, and did not realise what it did to other people.
I thought I looked great, and I probably did, but I certainly was not a good example of what a God fearing young woman should be dressed as. I know I have been forgiven, for, as David asked God, “Forgive me the sins of my youth” so have I asked God, and know I have been forgiven the sins of my youth.

It’s different for any one who is not used to coming to church, and they are welcome, how ever they dress, but, those who come from a Christian back ground, in my humble opinion, should know better and meet God, better dressed than when they go to work!

You know, when Christ hung there on that cross, he was stripped naked, then he was clothed with all our sins...HE hung there, wearing our sins, then, when He rose from the grave, He dressed us, in His righteousness.

And it is just as important for men and boys too....I have seen them come in shorts and flip flops...some even bare footed......yet, when they are going straight to work after church, they wear a nicely ironed shirt and tie and decent shoes.....
So I say, clean up and dress up for meeting God...if you can do it for going to the club, or movies, surely you can do it for the Lord!

Some of this is copied from Tim Challies


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