Wednesday, January 31, 2018

All About The Revelation Of God - Part 1

coming closer to the Pass-over, I feel this is so suitable

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Modesty matters

Women, and men, can either complement...... or contradict the message they speak..... with the way they behave and the way they dress.

We have a soup if you volunteered to work there, what would you wear?

Would you wear very short shorts or a mini skirt?

And if you did, what would that say to those who come to the van?

With your actions, and the sign on the van, you are saying, “Look to Christ, we serve Him” but with the way you are dressed, you are saying, “Look at me”

Does not seem right, does it?

I have seen girls come to church with very short shorts, and their mums with very short dresses.....

Now, I’d be the last person to say how you should dress when you go anywhere, but, when the same young lady comes to church in her work uniform, with slacks and a lovely top with a tie and a badge for work...what does that say?

It’s good to come to work nicely dressed.......

but then shouldn't we also come to church, where we meet GOD, nicely dressed?

I would even go so far as to say it is a sin, to dress provocatively.

Believe me, I still almost die from embarrassment, when I think how I dressed, when I was a young teenager, and did not realise what it did to other people.
I thought I looked great, and I probably did, but I certainly was not a good example of what a God fearing young woman should be dressed as. I know I have been forgiven, for, as David asked God, “Forgive me the sins of my youth” so have I asked God, and know I have been forgiven the sins of my youth.

It’s different for any one who is not used to coming to church, and they are welcome, how ever they dress, but, those who come from a Christian back ground, in my humble opinion, should know better and meet God, better dressed than when they go to work!

You know, when Christ hung there on that cross, he was stripped naked, then he was clothed with all our sins...HE hung there, wearing our sins, then, when He rose from the grave, He dressed us, in His righteousness.

And it is just as important for men and boys too....I have seen them come in shorts and flip flops...some even bare footed......yet, when they are going straight to work after church, they wear a nicely ironed shirt and tie and decent shoes.....
So I say, clean up and dress up for meeting God...if you can do it for going to the club, or movies, surely you can do it for the Lord!

Some of this is copied from Tim Challies


Jan Markel with Pastor Billy Crone

This is a very interesting and important video to watch....

here it is right here

Hope and pray you learn from this, as I did.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

All About God The Holy Spirit - Part 3

Last one, and they were really good too

Friday, January 12, 2018

This Preacher was thrown off TBN for telling the truth

Dr Martin is very good, he was the "Bible answer man"

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Why....did GOD?

For some of us, January 1 hits like a bullet train. To others it’s just another day.

But as we put the holiday bustle behind us and dust off those New Year’s resolutions, don’t forget to thank God for his gift of times and seasons.

Have you ever wondered why God made days, weeks, months, and years in the first place?

Here are three biblical reasons that may change how you think about time.

Times and seasons give rhythm to our lives.

Does God need to divide time in order to keep track of it?

No, but we do! We need times to work and times to rest.

1. The cadence of spring, summer, autumn, and winter offers healthy changes in temperature, scenery, and activity—in a dependable cycle over the years. Also, our finite minds relate better to the past and the future when we have definite markers of time.

God was aware of our needs from the beginning, so on Day Four of creation he said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years” (Genesis 1:14–15). Day and night, months, and years were part of God’s original creation before sin marred the world. He even gave mankind the seven-day week with a pattern of resting on the seventh day, for our benefit (Genesis 2:2–3; Mark 2:27).
In an age of computers and smartphones, we don’t have to look far to learn the exact year, month, day, and time—even down to fractions of a second! But for most of history, if people wanted to know the date or time, they looked up at the heavens. Of course, various timekeeping gadgets have been around for thousands of years, from sundials to obelisks, water clocks to hourglasses. These days we certainly don’t need to go outside to see what time it is—just glance at a digital clock or whip out the iPhone.
Other modern advances also affect our perception of time. For instance, when dusk is falling outside, we just turn on the electric lights and keep going. While these incredible technologies have made us more productive than ever, we run a risk of losing our sense of wonder at the changing seasons.

2. Every sunrise reminds us of God’s faithfulness.
People in ancient times were keenly aware of their dependence on the regular patterns of sun, moon, and stars. If the sun didn’t rise every day, crops would fail and life on earth would collapse! Sadly, most civilizations throughout history have worshipped these heavenly bodies as deities rather than acknowledging them as gifts from the wise Creator God. But we know the consistency of day and night is founded on the unchanging nature and promise of God (Numbers 23:19).

As you go to sleep tonight, you don’t have to wonder if the sun will rise tomorrow. The Creator has promised, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). The sunrise is faithful because our God is faithful. He perfectly upholds the sun, moon, and stars in the courses he has set for them, and we can count on the Lord to fulfil all his promises to his people.

When you’re tempted to complain about the winter weather or summer’s blistering heat, remember that even these, point to the faithful hand of God fulfilling his promises.

3. Each day, week, month, and year is a new beginning.
In addition to reminding us of God’s faithfulness, each new day is also a testament to his grace—giving us what we don’t deserve. The Creator is patient and kind even to those who hate him, as Scripture says, “He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45).
As sinful people living in a broken world, we especially welcome the fresh start offered by a new year. It’s a reminder of the clean slate that is ours because of the gospel—those who come to God in repentance and faith receive forgiveness and hope of eternal life!
Praise the Lord that each new day is an opportunity to put the past behind us because of his great mercy. No matter what darkness you faced yesterday, today we can say with the prophet Jeremiah, “This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:21–23).

The Creator didn’t have to bless us with these heavenly markers of times and seasons, but he graciously did. So why not step outside to observe the moon tonight and praise God for a sunrise in the morning?
see here

Blessings for a very happy and blessed new year...