Monday, April 20, 2015

Letter to Shirley

Hi Shirley,

I just want to tell you how much I miss you.

I know you are in a much better place than here, and being with Jesus is the best, but I still miss you.

I did so enjoy all the deep and meaningful talks we had....talks about things that other people thought were silly, but we thought they were o.k.

And the laughs we had.....Oh, I start laughing already again, just thinking about it...remember when you lost your stockings in the main street....hilarious wasn't it?

Remember when one of your grand children was buying a house almost right at your back fence, and you were so happy to have them so close by?

Then you left, to go to Jesus.....they left...... to go way down south.....and then...later....overseas!

Remember when your grandson started going out with “that” girl?

You were so worried about him. You did not think she was any where near good enough for him...and would lead him astray, and away from the Lord....

Well, Shirl, my best friend and will be happy to know that they did get married, have two beautiful children, a girl and a boy,

and......he is the youth pastor at church......he also preaches.......he did last Sunday actually, and you would have been so proud of him....

I glanced over to where you used to sit, and imaged you with a big smile on your face and tears in your eyes, from happiness!
Funny, how, as we get older, we get more teary eyed, isn’t it?

And his lovely young wife, well she has also “preached” to a whole lot of ladies... at a conference....she was sharing her testimony...beautiful!

Isn’t it amazing how we worry about things,

our children........

then their children....... and it hardly ever turns out the way “we” think,

as long as we leave it to the Lord....

Still miss you though Shirl.......... this world is not like it used to be!
It’s going down fast!

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