Monday, March 17, 2014

A glimpse of eternity......


"Be on guard.
Stand true to what you believe.
Be courageous.
Be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

The next morning I got up and prepared myself breakfast.

My friends came in from their morning surf and began talking to me.
I began seeing that what they were saying wasn’t what they were actually meaning. It confused me, as if I was hearing two different messages.

I began to see through their masks.

For the first time in my life I was beginning to see things in a new light.

I could see that the intents of their hearts were totally contrary to what was coming out of their mouths.

It was frightening for me because I didn’t know how to react to that kind of understanding.
So I retreated to my bedroom, and stayed there.

That night I woke again in a cold sweat.......Something nearby was scaring me.......
I turned my head to look and to my horror......the demons I had seen last night...... were now in my bedroom looking at me through my mosquito net.

Yet for some reason they couldn’t get to me.

They were intimidating me.... but they couldn’t actually get to me.

In my heart I had a deep peace.

I knew I had seen the light of God and that light was now in me.

No matter how small the flame was, it was in me and they couldn’t come in.
But they were certainly trying to terrify me and get me back.

I grabbed my flashlight again.

This time I was afraid to get out of bed to turn on the light, because they were in my room.
I didn’t know what power they had.
I flashed the light madly around the room, leaped out of bed and dashed to the light-switch.

With the light safely on I fell to the floor on my knees.

I battled with my mind all over again, just trying to keep my sanity.

Again I prayed the Lord’s Prayer and then I went back to sleep.
To be cont'd

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