Monday, August 30, 2010


September is a busy month for me....lots of birthdays in this month, and that started me thinking....a whole new year to look forward to.
And I was kinda thinking about "happiness"....What is "happiness?"

We convince ourselves that..."Life will be better" once we are married.....and have a family.....

Then we get frustrated.....because our children are "not old enough"  and that "all will be O.K." once they are older.

Then we are frustrated because they are teenagers, and we have to deal with them at that level.

"Surely..." we think....."We will be happier when they grow out of their teens..."

We tell ourselves....our lives will be better......when we have a nice home.......

when we get that car........ when we can take that nice long holiday.........when we retire.....

The truth is........there is no better time to be happy than right now!

for....if not right now......then when?????

Our life will always be full of challenges and is better to admit that right now....and be happy.....
in spite of it all!

For a long seemed.....that life was about to start.....real life.......but....

there was always "something else" first.
An ordeal to get through......
some urgent work that needed finishing.....
some time to be shared with some one who needed it......
a car to be repaired.......a bill to be paid......a job to go to.....then......


I finally came to the understanding that those things were life....

And that "point of view" helped me to see that there isn't a road "to" happiness....

HAPPINESS is the road!

So.....enjoy every moment......stop waiting for school to end......

or for a return to school even......

or to lose 10 pound....or to gain some.....or for work to begin......

or to get married.....or for Friday night.....or Monday morning......or that car.....or

your mortgage to be paid.....or the first of the month....or Spring......or summer .....or for..... decide to be happy!

HAPPINESS is a voyage....not a destination.

There is no better time to be happy and content that right now, so live and enjoy the moment.

Author unknown

Bless you, Yaddy

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