Wednesday, April 29, 2009

hhmmmm....what do I call this????

I do not approve of "beauty contests" as such......
I am sure there are lots of parents today, who do not agree with the way their children, and mainly daughters dress!

Keeping in mind that this is totally my own private opinion this is how I see it!
My parents instilled in my sisters and I a standard of modesty which first of all glorifies the God we serve, and also shows the respect we have for ourselves, avoids defrauding the men of all ages around them and protects them from lustful predators. I am very respectful of my parents because they have adopted that standard in their daily attire as well as their bathing attire.

Why is that important? As always, we should first turn to the standard our Creator has given us: "Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness" (1 Timothy 2:10).

Let me pause and clarify that I do not believe that this standard requires women to be completely covered from chin to toe with formless sacks, nor that makeup is prohibited, nor that tasteful jewelry and hairstyles are inappropriate. There is little more truly beautiful than a woman who takes what God gave her and with dignity and class prepares herself with appropriate style – including a proper amount of the above "improvements" – without going to extremes in either direction.

most parents will agree that there is a serious breakdown of modest dress in both young men and young women. Just go to any mall – or unfortunately to many church youth group meetings – and you will see more skin than is necessary. Some parents I know, hesitate to take their sons to beaches and public pools because they will certainly be exposed to breasts and behinds of women young and old who for a variety of reasons should "cover it up."

If the husbands and fathers who led a standard of godliness, virtue and modesty in our homes and were training up our children that flaunting our bodies degrades the true beauty of who they are in spirit, mind, soul – and body – this culture of lust would dramatically decrease.
It is so important for the husband and father to have the correct role in the family!

And besides it is much more important for girls and women to look feminine in decent attire, then having the need to do it half naked!

God Bless you


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