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Keith Green - Oh Lord, You're Beautiful

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024

The church's one foundation...

Such a beautiful hymn....do we all really know just what the words say?
The Church's One Foundation, the hymn was written in 1866. By Samuel John Stone.
Based on 1 Corinthians 3 v 11; For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ, her, the church’s Lord;
she, the church, is his, the Lord’s, new creation,= (did not exist before)
by water,= under water baptism, and the Word: = Jesus, is “the Word” John 1 v 1...In the beginning was the WORD...

from heav'n He,= Jesus, came and sought her=the church
to be His holy bride; =the church is His bride
with His own blood he bought her, = the cross and shed His blood.
and for her life he died = He did all that for His bride, the true church, (not some denomination)

Elect from every nation = He took them from all nations,
Yet one o’er all the world = all true believers and followers
Her= the church’s charter of salvation: charter = given special privileges One Lord, one faith, one birth
One Holy name she,= the church, blesses,= the name of Jesus Christ
Partakes one Holy food, = communion and this shows how special communion is;
And to one hope she = the church, presses, = the hope we have in Christ Jesus,
With every grace endued. =By grace freely given

