Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Awaiting His Return Conference: Leesburg, VA: Session 2

These speakers are really good, it's a very long listen, and you will have to fast forward some of it, I did....but hang in there, and enjoy!



Sunday, September 19, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

So, what is happening.....

Example...strictly just an example....

I lease you 500.000 acres and tell you, it’s yours to do with,as you like, but look after it and invest some of it and see that you keep it all in good order ....

So, it is what you do!

Then, the next door neighbours, who are squatters, on a few acres....hassle you,

for ages, and tell you, "you should give them some of your land,

and when you do.... they will stop hassling you..."

You don’t think this is a very good idea and tell them so, because it is on a lease, and not really yours to give, and you persevere,.... but as they keep hassling you, you give in, and give them 50 acres; ( wondering how you are going to explain to me what happened)

Things settle down for a few years, and you watch what they do with the 50 acres you gave them, and seeing they are squatters anyway, they totally neglect it and it has gone to wreck and ruin...it’s full of weeds and the seeds from those weeds get blown over to your acreage, and just makes more work for you.

And, wouldn’t you know it, after a few years, seeing they can’t exist on their so many acres, they start hassling you again.....

for ages and ages.....

and you are so fed up with them you end up warning them that if they don’t stop, you will have to take action.

They don’t stop, so you take them to court....

it takes ages,

you know what court cases are like,

but finally it comes before a judge,

and the judge listens,

and makes his judgement...

He says, “Maybe if you give them just a few more acres, say another 50 acres, they will settle down?”

You are stunned.....

Then others also chip in and agree with the judge, “Yes, just give them a little more, and they will be happy”

So, mystified, you do as they suggest....

The squatters get real cheeky now, and see that others are on their side, so they start bragging....

”Just give us time....we will end up getting the whole property, and there’s nothing they can do about it”

And now you have more than 100 acres next door,

and neglected,

and gone to weeds.....
and making it harder for you to do what you want with your lease,

because you are wasting time,

clearing the weeds and protecting much of the fence line where the squatters are.

The squatters keep on bragging and bragging, and no one is saying anything, like, your so called friends, “because,” they say, “these squatters are just bragging.”

Meanwhile you have to keep clearing their weeds from your acreage,

and you try to plant food for you and your animals,

but they come in at night and steal the harvest,

or what they can’t steal they burn, so that when you get up the next day,

your crops are gone or ruined.

None of your friends come and help or say anything much, they are busy with their own stuff.


you try to figure out some things you can do......

for protection..,..,.,.

You put up cameras all along the fences, as well as electric fencing,


with the cameras going day and night.....

you can see the squatters coming.....anytime.....

and with your beebee gun you scare them off...

It works for a while....

but they get smart too.....

and figure out stuff, to counteract what you come up with...

The thing is.....

you don’t really want to hurt them.....

just scare them off and stop them.


God leased them the land.....so to speak... it still belongs to God.....

just like in the above, the land is leased, still belongs to me.>br>
Israel is doing it’s best to look after it and keep sustaining the whole population, but “others” won’t let them because they keep interfering and are not being fair to Israel.


what will eventually happen???? We will just have to wait and see what God’s plan is.


PPOV 180. Prophecy Update with Dr. Andy Woods & Jim McGowan


Friday, September 10, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Ken Johnson: The 10 Week Prophecy of Enoch, Part 1

I enjoyed this, I hope you do too..

