Sunday, March 26, 2017

Television shows!

There is a lot of rubbish on TV and I watch very little of it.

I tend to watch pre-recorded shows, which sometimes are on late, hence the pre-recording.

Some of the reality shows are just bizarre and I couldn’t bear to waste my precious time watching them and don’t get me started on series such as Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead or Vikings, or even shows like Harry Potter.

However there are many people who love these shows and can give you an episode by episode rundown.

As an adult and Christian I make a decision on what I watch and what I choose not to watch — however what is on my list may vary from other Christians to what is considered suitable. I enjoy British crime, but I know that others think that this genre is very unsuitable.

But the most important thing is that we are not compelled to watch anything and have the power to turn off the TV, not own a TV and not go to the movies to watch a particular film.

No one is forcing us to watch anything.

I am not going to sit in judgment of others who make different choices to me, they will have to answer to God when the time comes. However, we all should have this verse firmly in our minds when we make our chose, whether that be a film, TV series, book or the company we keep:

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Friday, March 24, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Why not???

Matt, about 40, let me know in a coffeeshop outreach conversation that, while he didn’t really know if God or an afterlife existed, he would be willing to talk about the possibility.

I asked “Have you ever had any sort of spiritual experience?” He thought about it a minute. “Actually, now that I think about it, I did.”

I thought he might tell me a story of a near-death experience, or an encounter with a spirit, or a strange dream.

But what he told me was better than all that.

“There was a time, years ago, when I had committed a very serious sin. I tried to hide it and ignore it, but couldn’t. I finally confessed and asked for forgiveness. I felt a wave of relief come over me, like I’d never felt before. I really felt forgiven.”

As Matt told me about it I could tell he was reliving the memory, and he became much warmer to the things of God.

Whether that original feeling of forgiveness was a genuine born-again experience or just a taste of what could be isn’t for me to decide, but what I do know is it has left him open to at least talking about the possibility that God exists, and by the end of our conversation he was talking more like it was an established fact.

I see this often, people who are fairly cold to spiritual things at first but warming up to it as memories of past experiences with God start to take over the urgency of the here and now.

As Christians, we know the importance of our quiet time with God in prayer and with His word, taking a breather every so often from our problems and preoccupations to remember who He is and what He has done in history and in our own lives.

Why shouldn’t we help those outside of faith to do the same thing?
Thanks Jeff Reiman

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