Monday, January 30, 2017

Mid-East Prophecy Update – January 29th, 2017

Pastor is good, I have this foreboding feeling as well, so I will just wait and see

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New movie...."The Shack"

Before Watching The Shack Movie, Read This – The “Inspiration” Behind the Movie and Eugene Peterson’s Connection!

By Warren B. Smith

The Shack Movie
I was drawn into the New Age Movement years ago by books and lectures containing parabolic stories that were not unlike The Shack.

They felt spiritually uplifting as they tackled tough issues and talked about God’s love and forgiveness. They seemed to provide me with what I spiritually needed as they gave me much needed hope and promise. Building on the credibility they achieved through their inspirational and emotive writings, my New Age authors and teachers would then go on to tell me that “God” is “in” everyone and everything.

I discovered that author William P. Young does exactly the same thing in The Shack.

He moves through his very engaging and emotional story to eventually present this same New Age teaching that God is “in” everything.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

Let me first provide some background material concerning this key New Age doctrine that “God is in everything.” A good place to start is with Eugene Peterson, the author of the controversial Bible paraphrase "The Message".

After all, Peterson’s enthusiastic endorsement of The Shack is featured right under the author’s name on the front cover.

Ironically, it was Peterson’s endorsement that caused me to be immediately suspicious of The Shack.

Through his questionable paraphrasing of the Bible, Peterson had already aligned himself in a number of areas with New Age/New Spirituality teachings. One obvious example is where he translated a key verse in the Lord’s Prayer to read “as above, so below” rather than “in earth, as it is in heaven.” “As above, so below” is a term that I was very familiar with from my previous involvement in the New Age movement. This esoteric saying has been an occult centre piece for nearly five thousand years.

It is alleged by New Age metaphysicians to be the key to all magic and all mysteries. It means that God is not only transcendent—“out there”— but He is also immanent—“in” everyone and everything.

But, as I found out just before abandoning the deceptive teachings of the New Age for the Truth of biblical Christianity, God is not “in” everyone and everything.

The Bible makes it clear that man is not divine and that man is not God (Ezekiel 28:2, Hosea 11:9, John 2:24-25, etc.) In my book Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose Driven Church, I quoted the editors of New Age Journal as they defined “as above, so below” in their book, As Above, So Below:

“As above, so below, as below, so above.” This maxim implies that the transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the immanent God within ourselves are one.2
My concern about Peterson’s undiscerning use of “as above, so below” in the Lord’s Prayer was underscored when the 2006 bestseller, The Secret, showcased this same occult/New Age phrase. In fact, it was the introductory quote at the very beginning of the book. By immediately featuring “as above, so below” the author Rhonda Byrne was telling her readers in definite New Age language that “God is in everyone and everything.” Towards the end of the book, The Secret puts into more practical words what the author initially meant by introducing the immanent concept of “as above, so below.” On page 164, The Secret tells its readers—“You are God in a physical body.”
Most significantly, in his book The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, New Age leader Benjamin Crème reveals that a New World Religion will be based on this foundational “as above, so below” teaching of immanence—this idea that God is “in” everyone and everything: read more here

Monday, January 23, 2017

What is "Black Goo" by Harald Kautz Vella

This is the one I promised, it's about the "lack goo!"

Mid-East Prophecy Update – January 22nd, 2017


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017

How Israelis Feel - True Jewish Soul

This is the follow up from the previous video! Blessings Yaddy

Will Obama make his Move Against Israel?

very interesting to listen to! bless you Yaddy

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 By Tommy Nelson

1 hour of truth...very good Blessings Yaddy

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Eve Bible Prophecy Q&A

a bit long, but good nevertheless! blessings Yaddy