Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The prodigal son.....

The story of the prodigal son is such a familiar story.....isn't it?

Every time I have heard a sermon on this story, that Jesus told, it is always about the son who wanted his share and left the home and spent it all and came back.....

And that is a beautiful way to show God's love.....but.....

I think this story is about the father!

I really do!

My dad often stood outside his front door, hoping and see my brother come home!

My brother had gone away....not run away, but just...... left home!

My dad missed him......he never said...but we all knew he did.....we, his sisters and one other brother were still at home.... the 99 in the fold, but the shepherd went and started looking for the one that was lost....not in the fold....
I often wondered about the 99 that were left, but the shepherd obviously "knew" they were safe....
just like my dad "knew" we, his other children were safe....but he would be watching out, standing at the front door, for my brother, just in case he decided to return home....

That is how I see the father, the dad, of the prodigal son.
We only read in one sentence...that the son was coming home....and his father was watching out for him, to see if he could see the distance.

I wonder just how many days...weeks of days....had he stood there....watching for his son to come home....
That is how I see it! The father......GOD the Father.....watching for days and weeks of days....waiting for His prodigals to come back home to Him

I beg you, don't keep Him waiting much longer.....we are running out of time...
The return of Jesus is can happen any moment!
Don't wait till it's too late......come home NOW!
Bless you

Friday, July 22, 2016

Louie Giglio interview

This is an interview by Louie Giglio here he also did a video called "How great is our God" it is fantastic...will see if I can find it too...


Thursday, July 21, 2016

This is a really nice 1 hour movie for the family!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Have a blessed day

Have a Blessed day,

I am looking out into the backyard and it looks beautiful. There’s a bit of a fog today, yesterday there was a big white frost....we have the air conditioner going and it’s lovely and warm, inside!

Yet, if you walk outside you find that, what you see from the window, is not exactly the same, once you go outside.

The trees and the plants bear the cost of the frosts that we have been having. The grass crackles underfoot, and it is not warm and cosy, like it is inside!

This is how it is with sin.

Sin can look so beautiful, and inviting......sin calls out to us promising what it cannot give.

It is only when you are in the midst of sin that you see the results.

If you were to go to a club your would see people drinking and dancing the night away.They are all laughing and seem to be having a wonderful time! do not see the after affects, of over indulging, when people are slumped over the toilet throwing up all that fun......

or feel the headache from the hangover, the next morning.

Cheating on your spouse can seem like fun at first.

The sneaking around and getting away with it for awhile. It all seems so “normal” when we see it in the movies or T.V. sit coms and other serials.

But TV and movies don't often show the result of families torn apart, and broken hearts like broken glass, scattered everywhere.

Sin is like a hook with bait, it entices us to want to take a nibble and then when Satan is through with us, he throws us away like a dirty paper towel.

God wants us to avoid sin. Some people think that God wants to keep us from having fun.

The truth is God wants to keep us from being hurt.

God says to us that He can give us joy without a hangover, or a broken home.

God warns us about sin because He loves us. Yet, when we do sin, He is merciful and forgives us.

He brings healing to our hearts and lives, even after we feel we are destroyed for ever.

As His children, let us seek to stay afar away from sin as possible.

Never let us be guilty of seeing just how much we can get away with.......Instead let us walk so close to Jesus that we can recognize the call of sin as soon as we see it and stay away from it, like we would a dangerous snake.

Remember Satan chose to bring sin in this world by a snake and sin's bite is just as dangerous as a poisonous snake.
Have a blessed day.
Thank you Betty
Blessings Yaddy

Sunday, July 3, 2016

I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked

Such a beautiful song, worth sharing!