Sunday, May 19, 2013

Has the world changed....?

I lost a very, very dear friend yesterday......

I know life goes on......

it has changed.......

this dear friend was special!

We, he and his wife, we had been friends for nearly 50 years.

He was a brother I never had.....
gave me brotherly advice when I needed it............

he has gone! ......And......I will miss him so much....but,

the worst of it is....he was not a believer......

I tried to tell him, but he just could not accept it....

I now keep asking myself...."Where is he?"

What is he thinking now?

The funeral is either this coming Thursday or Friday....

Please me with the right words to speak at the right time....
to the rest of his family.....

Bless you

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A dear friend of mine was telling me this.....

"Just after I was married, we lost our first baby.....

it was heart wrenching......... but we saw God's will in it and after quite a long period of time.....

we settled down..... and about a year later, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

We were so happy...

Two or so years later we had another blessing in the guise of another little girl...our lives were complete.... know....that terrible enemy satan...the liar......kept on telling me that having lost a baby......
I was not capable of giving life or keeping anything alive.

Dont' believe him...... ever....he is a liar!

Some years later, a friend asked me to look after a living yeast type mix for her...She was going away on a vacation and
all I had to do was feed it some milk, (I had the instructions) and some flour.

Apparently you feed it, then after so many days you use the most of the mix to make a loaf cake and keep some feed it milk
and flour for so many days....and the circle goes on.....easy! she said!It's alive as long as it bubbles and has a yeasty smell...

So....It was time to feed it some milk, it had to be full cream, I only had shelf milk long life, so I figured that would work, so that milk I fed it.....then some flour......

Next was bubbling but....not as much as it had was bubbling....
Next was smelly too.....I killed it.....

and.....wouldn't you know it.....theat number one enemy started to whisper in my mind...." kill things.....even something as simple as killed it...."

I was devastated......

Maybe it was true...maybe I did kill things.....

I started to do some gardening with my two girls.....we would grow strawberries.....

I got the whole kit.....everything we needed.....pot...dirt.....seeds.....fertilizer..... and off we went....

planted the seeds watered and fertilized them.....and watched......nothing......

wathed some more.....nothing.....

again...the enemy whispered " kill things...."

I was getting desperate now....maybe it was true...maybe I did kill things!

I had another misscarriage.....and went into a severe deppression....

Now I was me.....I KILL THINGS...

Then.....Jesus come into the scene.....HE had been there all along, but I had ignored Him, and listened to the enemy...

Today....I am fine.....Jesus is my strength and my comfort....

without Him I am nothing.....

I know it was not me that killed things....

We chatted for a while longer and I know now that she is "over it"
she glows with the love of God....
Where would we all be without Jesus?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A long and winding road!

I drive an old pick up Toyota 1995 model......It's been really good and as far as I am concerned the Lord provided it for me.
I made a lengthy trip in it yesterday well it was a good 175 km's and it was a lonely road between two beautiful National parks.

All went well and I met up with a group of ladies, some of whom I had not seen for as many as 30 odd years...easy!

We had speakers in the morning and if I am absolutely honest, I am not a very good "speaker listener"

We had a lovely lunch and after lunch I decided I was going home, as I had seen the lovely friends and we have exchanged addresses, we will keep in touch again, so I felt, there was nothing to stop me from making the trip back home as I wanted to be home before dark, as I am also not good at driving at night.

When I had reached a good 150 km's from home, my pick up started to play felt to me like it was not getting any gas/petrol to the had done it before and I was told there was nothing wrong with the fuel pump, so I panicked thinking..."What is it? I need to get home....LORD....please get me home..."

I had visions of having to stay somewhere, but even then, what was the point? The mechanic couldn't find anything wrong when it did it before, why should any one find the cause this time? So, I traveled on!

It was a long and winding road,....
ups and downs......

and for an easy 20km's or so, I crawled along....I would step on the gas.....the car would hiccup and shunt....and nearly's a manual, so I kept changing back into second and would pick up a bit then shunt did that for so long.....

then....I'd coast along...till it dropped speed, then on the gas again.....

But, suddenly went o.k. and I was doing 90km's per hour in top gear, (fifth) and off I went.....

very nervously continuing on my way for nearly 25km's .......and it started again......cough cough.....splutter....splutter.....especially when I went up a hill and around a lot of bends....About 35km's from home I had to go through 30km's of bends...and I mean bends....some so tight...they are almost like a go right and almost immediately left and then right away left again....for 30km's....

I was really worried as there are no places to pull up and what if a truck came along and didn't see me.....and the motor died?

65km's from home, I got the firm thought in my mind...."STAY IN TOP GEAR..."

It was not me thinking...."Maybe I should......" or ..."I think i might..."

To be honest, I drive a manual because I love the changing of the gears, so I do not mind going around the bends as that means lots of changing,

STAY IN TOP GEAR...?"( it had to be from the Lord)



When I arrived at the start of the 30km bends....I had my hand on the gear stick.......but left it in top gear....

I went around those bends....amazed at the way my "pick up" went so smoothly....

I dropped as low as 40km's on the speedo...(I should have been in 2nd gear at that speed) stayed in top gear.....

all through the bends I stayed in top gear.....dropped down to the 40 mark at least 4 times...I worries!

Stayed in top gear till I arrived home...before dark.....and thanked my wonderful Jesus for keeping me safe and bringing me home before dark....
God is good...