Saturday, May 19, 2012

Do you...."Love yourself?"

Are I....willing to look at my flaws?
Sometimes we...I.... use preoccupations with......God...( a good thing in itself) or...
the grand children.....( nothing wrong with that either).....or...
to avoid looking at myself and "my" flaws.

Would that be a kind of an escape?
As I thought about this some more......I sort of became very disappointed with myself....why?

Because that is what it was...... a kind of escape!

No one.....not one single person....wants to admit the flaws they have....but there are lots!
We sin.....but that does not make me any LESS in God's eyes....
He knows all that....and still loves me!
How many times have I heard some one say...."God loves you....warts and all"

I always thought that was such a silly thing to have some one say to you......but it is true!

And in truth......God wants me to become more and more like HIM......He accepts me...
 as I am....right now....even though I am not as He wants me to be!

When I learned to understand this, and learned to see God sees me....I
could also look at my "flaws"and deficiencies, without being daunted by them.

I dislike them.....but, with His help....I will seek to overcome them...
His word says....."We are overcomers..."
As long as I am as gentle on myself as God is with me!

I am learning to "grow" under a loving discipline....HIS and my own!

Dear Lord,
Help me to be as gentle on myself, as You are with me and show me how to treat myself with
the same love and respect with which You treat Jesus' precious name...Amen

Bless you