Friday, June 18, 2010

The miracle of the fly!

It was a sweltering hot day, and I decided I would go and cool off a little in our back yard pool..

I was kind of leaning up against the side of the pool and looking around, the sun was glistening on the water, in the ripples I was making with my hand, and though how beautiful it was, what, with the colours and made me think of how good God is and how good he is at creating things...

I also closed my eyes now and then, and was fascinated with the colours I could still see, through my closed eye lids..

When I opened my eyes again.......the first thing I saw....was a fly!

It was floating....fluttering and struggling....floundering....trying to "fly" away!

I looked at it and thought, "You've had it fly....." then looked at something else.

Who cares about a fly, anyway.

A while later I looked back, and the dumb thing was still struggling, trying to was making lots of little ripples, trying to get a foot hold on something that wasn't there.
But it was too far away from the side, for a fly, and there was absolutely no hope for the stupid thing ever!

Maybe....if the fly could see what I could see, and give up and drown.....he'd be done with it!

I kept watching the silly thing.....and I suddenly began to identify with it!
( I know....silly thought, but I did)

I mean.....wasn't I just like that fly? Well, in a manner of speaking!

I get myself in these dumb situations...then I even do dumber things......

What if........what if God was watching ME in some detached sort of way, waiting for me to "just give up and drown?"

(Can you believe...I suddenly wanted that fly not to drown?)

I wanted it to live......I really did!

So.....I put my hand out, and let it slowly, all wet and dripping, climb up on my finger.

There it sat......on my hand.....weak....very weak......but still "hanging in there"

Yay for the fly!

I waded to the steps of the pool and placed the tiny thing on the pebble deck, so it could dry out!

It only sat there for a few seconds, stretching and drying it's wings, and took was gone!


In my heart, I know that I know.........that God cares for me a lot more than I cared for that fly.

The fantastic Heart of God feels my needs and He is already cupping His mighty hands underneath me, to save me from whatever I need saving from.

There is just one major difference.......

The fly will never ever know, what happened there, just then, in the pool.

All "it" knew was, that something terrible had happened...... and then something happened.......
and the terrible was over!

Now I know this is silly, but humor me......all I knew was I stood there, in the water, I realized that the only way I could have let the fly know what had happened was, if I had become a fly myself, and communicated it to him. I love Jesus,...... for that is exactly what HE did!


But it cost Him his live....the other "flies" killed him for his trouble...... He knew ahead of time this would happen, but he came anyway!

"Alright" you can say, "That wasn't a miracle, any one could have rescued a fly..." and you are so right, spot on, absolutely correct.....but......

you are looking at this miracle from the wrong side.......

How about...... looking at it from the fly's side?

Wouldn't you call it a miracle from the fly's point of view?

musings from Pat Boone.
Bless you.....


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Also in the small things......

A friend of mine told me....

"I did not become a Christian until a teenager.

And, one day I was rummaging through an old attic cupboard, where I discovered this old well worn guitar.
It looked like it had gone through a fire or some other catastrophe and was pretty well almost gone, but I thought I might be able to learn to play on it, even though I had no idea how to use it, but  I figured I could sort of teach myself.
Then  I became a Christian, and my life had to make a few changes.....I went to university and had to learn to budget.

I rented a room from a lovely elderly lady, especially picked by my parents, and she would watch over me and continue to "groom" me to become a God loving adult.

I received a cheque once a month, and the first thing that came out of that was my tithe, then I paid Mrs Jones her monthly rent for the room. She decided that, seeing I was not there all day every day, I could use her butter and milk, as that would not be all that much...and so I went shopping with the left over out of my cheque.
I would buy each month....a good serving of fish......a large serving of vegetables...and a very very large bag of flour.
So once a month, I had a fantastic meal of fish and lots of vegetables, and for the rest of the month I made pancakes from the flour.

Then it of the guitar strings snapped......ohhhh!
As I walked back to my room, from uni, I thought I'd ask God to see what He could do.

My prayer went something like this...."Dear God, my guitar string broke, do you think you could find a way around, for you to give me $5 so I can buy a new one?  But on second thought, maybe You'd better forget this, as there are so many needy people who have so much bigger problems, don't worry about my guitar string as I can learn to live without it...sorry I even brought it up...."

By that time I had arrived back at my lodgings and Mrs Jones was there waiting for me

She remarked "Weren't you here last weekend?".
I replied, "No...I went home to visit my mum and dad..."
"Oh.." she said, "But you paid rent for your room?"
"Yes..."  I said, that is because I wanted you to keep it for me so it stands to reason that I would pay for it even if I am not here!"
"Oh no dear..." said Mrs Jones...."You did not use any of the electricity, nor water, you don't have to pay for what you don't is $5 dollars back..I'm sure you can use it?"

All I could do was say.....THANK YOU GOD...for caring about the small things too!"
(Musings from Vivian)
Bless you...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to "witness to others"

I often hear people say to me..."Sure, it's easy for you, you just start to talk and somehow people open up to you and virtually tell you their life story, but they don't do that with do "I" witness to somebody?"

So, Have you ever read how the apostle Paul witnessed to King Agrippa? Imagine your self in Paul's shoes, but speak to "your neighbour/friend/stranger...who ever you think, for that moment, you would like to witness to.

If we go and read, then see, how Paul did it, we can follow suit....

In Acts chapter 26 we will give it a start.

Here, Paul has "earned" the right to be heard when the king allows him to speak.
Now, this idea of "earning" your right to speak, does not mean that you are allowed to speak because of your position in life, or because your opinion is so fantastic, no.....rather, you have earned the "right"

What I mean is this.....for example.....If I am having a conversation with some one, and they actually bring up their belief system, or meaningful life changing events, and I politely sit and listen to them, by virtue of the fact that I did that, sit and listen, that then gives me the same" right to be heard" too...I gave them that right, they then are obliged to give me the same right...a kind of "right of reply" as they say in the courts.

To deny me this right would be very ignorant and rude, seeing I listened with attention and respect to what they had to say.

Back to Paul......
 he, after he had earned the right to be heard, complimented the king by saying what the king was good at, people love compliments.

But Paul then shares with king Agrippa where, he, Paul comes from.

This was all part of his own personal history, people like to hear a bit of your background, and even though the witnessing by Paul did not change the kings mind, it does help us to see what we can use from our own history and use it as part of our own testimony.
So......1) Earning the right to be heard..
          2) a brief history of where you came from, and
          3) your conversion experience ( how you came to Christ and where you are now in Christ)

Bless you
